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Walk-in-interview for the position of one JRF under WBDST |
10.03.2025 | |
Walk in Interview for Department of Zoology, CBPBU |
Advertisement | 08.01.2025 |
Walk-in-Interview for Research Assistant, Department of Sanskrit, CBPBU | Advertisement | 17.12.2024 |
Walk-in-Interview for Department of Sanskrit, CBPBU |
Advertisement | 30.10.2024 |
Walk-in-interview for the engagement of Project Assistant in the Department of History, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University |
[Advertisement] | 02.07.2024 |
Walk-in Advertisement for Junior Research Fellow (JRF) Position in SERB-SURE Project |
[Advertisement] | 31.01.2024 |
Walk-in-Interview for Student Internship for a SERB funded Research Project titled: “A study on some age old problems and new perspectives of Nevanlinna theory” |
[Advertisement] | 13.12.2023 |
Urgent Call for Walk in Interview for Research Assistant (Temporary) – 01 and Field Investigator (Temporary) - 01 in an ICSSR Special Call for the Studies on culture, history and geography of the Schedule Tribes of India under “ICSSR Major Research Projects.” |
[Advertisement] | 04.12.2023 |
Call for Project Fellow – I in an R&D project funded by “UGC-DAE Consortium for Scientific Research.” |
[Advertisement] | 22.06.2023 |
Walk-in-Interview for Research Assistant & Field Investigator (For an ICSSR-funded Minor Research Project) | Date of Interview: 15.06.2023, Time: 01:00 PM | [Advertisement] | 31.05.2023 |
Walk-in-Interview for Research Assistant (For an ICSSR-funded Major Research Project) | Date of Interview: 26.05.2023, Time: 01:00 PM |
[Advertisement] | 15.05.2023 |
Walk-in-Interview for Research Assistant (for ICPR Project) | Date of Interview: 04.04.2023, Time: 12:00 Noon | [Advertisement] | 20.03.2023 |
Walk-in-Interview for Research Assistant (for ICPR Project) | Date of Interview: 01.03.2023, Time: 12:00 Noon |
[Advertisement] | 21.02.2023 |
Applications are invited for term basis contractual post from the retired Electrical for the Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University. | [Advertisement] | 13.01.2023 |
Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in different subjects. ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS WILL BE CONTINUED ON AND FROM 02.01.2023 TO 17.01.2023 |
23.12.2022 | |
Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in different subjects. ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS WILL BE CONTINUED ON AND FROM 09.11.2022 TO 30.11.2022 |
03.11.2022 | |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 22.08.2022 & 23.08.2022 for Guest Lecturers (Purely on Temporary Basis) in Bengali & History for Second Campus, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University | [Advertisement] | 04.08.2022 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 31.05.2022 for Guest Teacher (Purely Temporary Basis) in Geospatial Technology | [Advertisement] | 24.05.2022 |
Applications are invited for term basis contractual post from the retired Electrical and Civil Engineers for the Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University. |
[Advertisement] | 03.09.2021 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 28.01.2021 for Guest Teacher (Purely Temporary Basis) in Geospatial Technology | [Advertisement] | 20.01.2021 |
19.01.2021 AT 1:00 PM |
Online Applications are invited for the post of Assistant Librarian. ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS WILL BE CONTINUED ON AND FORM 12.10.2020 TO 09.11.2020 |
09.10.2020 |
Online Applications are invited for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in different subjects. ONLINE APPLICATION PROCESS WILL BE CONTINUED ON AND FORM 12.10.2020 TO 09.11.2020 |
09.10.2020 |
Walk-in-interview for one Field/laboratory Assistant (@Rs. 6000/- per month consolidated) post in WBSTBT, Govt. of WB, funded research project entitled, “Community based initiative for the conservation of Black Soft Shell Turtle of Baneswar” (744(Sanc)/HED-12011(19)6/2019-UNV SEC-Dept. of HE). | Download | 17.02.2020 |
Applications are invited in offline mode for the following post within 10.01.2020: Officer Posts:
20.12.2019 | |
Applications are invited in offline mode for the following posts within 10.01.2020:
20.12.2019 | |
Walk-in-interview on 11th July, 2019 at 11.30 a.m. at the Department of Mathematics, CBPBU: Post – Project Fellow (one) | [Advertisement] | 29.052019 |
Walk-in Interview on 30.05.2019, at 11.00 AM at Dept. of Zoology, CBPBU Post of JRF (1): for the Project “MECHANISTIC STUDIES ON NUCLEAR-MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSTALK REGULATED BY SIRTUIN- INTERPLAY IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF PULMONARY FIBROSIS” | [Advertisement] | 20.05.2019 |
Walk-in-interview on 21st May, 2019 at 11.30 a.m. at the Department of Mathematics, CBPBU : Post – Project Fellow (one) | [Advertisement] | 06.05.2019 |
Walk-in Interview on 19.03.2019, at 02.30 PM at Dept. of Zoology, CBPBU Post of JRF (1): for the Project “MECHANISTIC STUDIES ON NUCLEAR-MITOCHONDRIAL CROSSTALK REGULATED BY SIRTUIN- INTERPLAY IN THE PATHOGENESIS OF PULMONARY FIBROSIS” | [Advertisement] | 05.03.2019 |
Applications are invited in offline mode for the following posts within 02.04.2019: Officer Posts:
01.03.2019 | |
Applications are invited in offline mode for the following posts within 02.04.2019: Teaching Posts:
01.03.2019 | |
Download Interview Letter (Zoology, Geography, Sanskrit, & Hindi) For the post of Professor/Associate Professor |
Download | 14.01.2019 |
Download Admit Card (Junior Assistant/Junior Peon) | Download | 28.12.2018 |
Download Interview Letter (Bengali, English, Education, Commerce, Political Science, Philosophy) For the post of Professor/Associate Professor/ Assistant Professor |
Download | 16.11.2018 |
Walk-in-Interview will be held on 28/09/2018 from 12:00 Noon at Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University Campus for the selection of Guest Faculty in Mass Communication & Journalism. |
Download | 25.09.2018 |
Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University invites online applications for the posts of Professor, Associate Professor and Assistant Professor |
17.08.2018 | |
Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University invites online applications for the posts of Controller of Examination, Inspector of College, Development Officer, Audit & Accounts Officer, Assistant Registrar, Assistant Controller of Examination, and System Administrator |
17.08.2018 | |
Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University invites Online Applications from Indian Citizens for Recruitment in the following Non-Teaching post | 17.08.2018 | |
A walk-in-interview will be held on 23.08.2018 at 11:30 AM onward for the selection of Guest Lecturer for the Department of Sanskrit and applications are also invited for Department of Botany & Department of Economics, purely on temporary basis. | Download | 07.08.2018 |
Download Interview Letter (Mathematics & Education) | Download | 09.06.2018 |
Walk-in-interview on 12th May 2018 at 11.30 am for Post- JRF (2) for the Department of Zoology | Download | 03.05.2018 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 16.04.2018 for guest lecturers (Purely Temporary Basis) for the Department of Philosophy | Download | 06.04.2018 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 12.04.2018 for guest lecturers (Purely Temporary Basis) for the Department of Physics | Download | 06.04.2018 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 05.04.2018 for guest lecturers (Purely Temporary Basis) for the Department of Hindi |
Download | 23.03.2018 |
A Walk-in-Interview will be held on 27.02.2018 for guest lecturers (Purely Temporary Basis) for the Department of Zoology | Download | 31.01.2018 |
Call for nomination for the post of Vice Chancellor, Cooch Behar Panchanan Barma University | Download | 19.01.2018 |
Download Interview Letter | Download | 27.12.2017 |
Applications are invited for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professors in Chemistry, Commerce, Education, English, Hindi, History, Law, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, and Sanskrit. (Advt. No. CBPBU/AD/010-17 dated 18/10/2017) | Apply | 18.10.2017 |
Interview Letter, Advt. No. CBPBU/AD/002- 17 dated 20/06/17 | Download | 11.08.2017 |
Guest lecturers in Sanskrit (01), English (02-01 American), Bengali (02-01 Medieval), Zoology (01). Walk-in-Interview on 22.08.2017 11:30 am, with all testimonials and bio-date. NET/SET preferred. | Download | 10.08.2017 |
Applications are invited for the posts of (i) Registrar (ii) Finance Officer, & (iii) Controller of Examinations, and for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professor in Bengali, Chemistry, Commerce, Education, English, Geography, Hindi, History, Law, Mathematics, Philosophy, Physics, Political Science, Sanskrit, and Zoology. | Apply | 20.06.2017 |
27.01.2017 |
CBPBU/AD/006: Walk-in-Interview will be held for purely temporary contractual teachers in different subjects. |
15.09.2016 |
CBPBU/AD/004: This is to notify that the walk-in-interview for contractual teachers (Advertisement No. CBPBU/AD/003 dated: 31.05.2016) stands postponed. |
08.07.2016 |
CBPBU/AD/003: |
31.05.2016 |
Apply |
26.05.2016 |
Apply |
26.05.2016 |
Posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professor Hindi |
07.01.2016 |
06.01.2016 |
11.11.2015 |
Advertisement for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professor |
28.10.2015 |
28.10.2015 |
27.05.2015 |
Applications are invited for the posts of Professors, Associate Professors and Assistant Professor |
27.05.2015 |
27.05.2015 |
27.05.2015 |
Applications are invited for the posts of (i) Registrar (ii) Finance Officer & (iii) Secretary and five posts of Junior Assistants(with computer/typing knowledge) and five posts of Junior Peons | Download |
16.01.2014 |